Les Tutos de Fanny (Animatrice en Espace Public Numérique)
Les exercices d'anglais de Tracey (la suite)
Vocabulaire “Coronavirus”
Suivez-vous les infos anglaises sur BBC ou Sky ? Si oui, vous aurez remarqué que certains mots et expressions reviennent souvent en ce moment.
Complétez ces phrases avec les mots donnés en bas de page.
NB : Chaque mot / expression ne sert qu'une fois et il n'y a pas d'intrus !
The coronavirus pandemic is an _________________ health crisis. Every day, a British government minister gives a briefing. In order to limit the ________________ of the disease, the message is always:
- stay________________
- protect the _____________
- save ______________
The role of the police is to ________________ with the public,
_____________ and encourage and, if necessary, _______________ the law.
____________________ is very important. The rule is at least two metres between people.
The public is also encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water or use ___________________ regularly.
People must _______________ the rules.
For medical staff working on the _________________, there is a big problem in the supply of _________________________ (for example, face masks and gloves) in hospitals and___________________. For some critics of the government, supply has been disorganised or _______________.
The government wishes to ________________ testing: 100,000 a day by the end of April.
The pandemic has also led to an ________________, with many workers being ______________ temporarily.
It is hoped that the lockdown (in French? ______________ not in the list!) will end soon. The government has said there will be a _______________ exit.
Restrictions on movement will probably be _____________ when the infection rate is at half its ______________.
Once the lockdown has been _________________, it is likely that personal protective behaviour (social distancing, the wearing of masks on __________________...) will become routine.
vb = verb, to conjugate in the context
sn = singular noun
pln = plural noun
adj = adjective