Les exercices d'anglais de Tracey

(Animatrice de langue Anglais / Français)

niveau élémentaire

Mots croisés anglais
Mots croisés (révision anglais élémentai
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Mots croisés anglais (solutions)
Mots croisés (solutions).jpeg
exe Fichier 180.4 KB

Niveau intermédiaire

mini reportage, tourné en Angleterre
Coronavirus - lessons from an ancient pl
Document Adobe Acrobat 111.5 KB

Document Adobe Acrobat 35.2 MB

Les Tutos de Fanny (Animatrice en Espace Public Numérique)

Les exercices d'anglais de Tracey (la suite)

Vocabulaire “Coronavirus”


Suivez-vous les infos anglaises sur BBC ou Sky ? Si oui, vous aurez remarqué que certains mots et expressions reviennent souvent en ce moment.

Complétez ces phrases avec les mots donnés en bas de page.

NB : Chaque mot / expression ne sert qu'une fois et il n'y a pas d'intrus !



 The coronavirus pandemic is an _________________ health crisis. Every day, a British government minister gives a briefing. In order to limit the ________________ of the disease, the message is always:

- stay________________

- protect the _____________

- save ______________


The role of the police is to ________________ with the public,

 _____________ and encourage and, if necessary, _______________ the law.

____________________ is very important. The rule is at least two metres between people.


The public is also encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water or use ___________________ regularly.

 People must _______________ the rules.

 For medical staff working on the _________________, there is a big problem in the supply of _________________________ (for example, face masks and gloves) in hospitals and___________________. For some critics of the government, supply has been disorganised or _______________.


The government wishes to ________________ testing: 100,000 a day by the end of April.

The pandemic has also led to an ________________, with many workers being ______________ temporarily.

It is hoped that the lockdown (in French? ______________ not in the list!) will end soon. The government has said there will be a _______________ exit.

Restrictions on movement will probably be _____________ when the infection rate is at half its ______________.

Once the lockdown has been _________________, it is likely that personal protective behaviour (social distancing, the wearing of masks on __________________...) will become routine.



vb = verb, to conjugate in the context

sn = singular noun

pln = plural noun

adj = adjective


  • lay off (vb) - hand sanitizer (sn) - care homes (pln) - ramp up (vb)
  • Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) - shambolic (adj) - explain (vb)
  • lives (pln) - enforce (vb) - social distancing - at home
  • follow (vb) - front line (sn) - peak (sn) - unprecedented (adj)
  • spread (sn) - National Health Service (= NHS) - economic crisis
  • staged (adj) - ease (vb) - lift (vb) - engage (vb)
  • public transport
Coronavirus vocab - part 1 (solutions).o
Éditeur Open Office 20.8 KB
Coronavirus vocab - part 1.odt
Éditeur Open Office 19.1 KB


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